JLM Creative Design & Photography: Blog https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/blog en-us (C) JLM Creative Design & Photography [email protected] (JLM Creative Design & Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:26:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:26:00 GMT https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/img/s/v-12/u619444836-o1003906172-50.jpg JLM Creative Design & Photography: Blog https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/blog 120 90 Spring into Spring with SMILES https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/3/spring-into-spring-with-smiles Hi Everyone! I can't believe the month of March is upon us for 2018. It is quite a busy month for myself and family this month. In my work world we celebrate "Youth Art Month" at the Public Library. Artwork is brought from all the schools all over the county and a reception is held where we feature K-12 student artwork, present them with a participation certificate, and allow for their "FANS" to see their amazing creativity! Another yearly event I have in the March is an Art Show were I am an art teacher. This year I am having an Art Show and Arts Night. This event will feature the wonderful artwork of my K-5 Elementary Art students. In addition, seven local artists will be showing, demonstrating, and discussing their artwork with the students and parents. The students and parents will also have an opportunity to walk around and explore the "Art Experiences" tables. These tables are interactivity where students and parents can create an artist trading card, color a zentangle, take a photo in the Little "Knight" or famous "Scream" photo booth, and also transforming melting crayons.

Spring Mini Sessions will be this MONTH! Remember the giveaway on the facebook page:

Time for a Giveaway! Follow the directions below to BOOK a FREE MINI SESSION during the months of June, July, or August. The Mini Session will include either an indoor or outdoor session. 5 Edited Images and an Online Gallery for you to have rights to download images. Giveaway ends on March 10th at 11:59pm.

1. "LIKE" the post below.
2. "Share" This post to your timeline.
3. "TAG" a Friend in the COMMENTS below.

Good Luck and I will announce the WINNER on March 11th!


Another great weekend in March is celebrating my baby boys 1st and 3rd birthday! We are having a Thomas the Train Birthday! My oldest son loves trains and I figured my youngest son who is turning 1 will love it as well! I can't believe they are going to be another year older. My husband and I love watching them grow, learn, and development their little creative minds.


Looking forward to all the FuN events and Photography sessions this MONTH! THINK Spring!

With Much Love and Creative Spirit,

-Jessica McElhaney


[email protected] (JLM Creative Design & Photography) arteducator photography springminisessions https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/3/spring-into-spring-with-smiles Sat, 03 Mar 2018 19:56:52 GMT
Not Just a Photograph https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/1/not-just-a-photograph If we think Spring and warm sunny days I am sure they will appear right? Unfortunately, I do not think winter is over yet but that doesn't mean we can't get excited for Spring Sessions and Easter Mini Sessions. They will be here before we know it!

Taking photographs is so much than just clicking the "SNAP" on the camera. It that frozen moment in time that you can look back on and remember for years to come and embrace that beautiful moment once more. I, myself, have always love taking photographs of all subjects and was excited when I started this small business.  As Ansel Adams says:

“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”

Like they say, the act of photography is something you embrace and become part of that moment you are capturing. Remember to tell your love ones how much you care, say I love you, and hold them close. They are your reason for the smiles you put on your face.


Remember Spring, Summer, and Sun will be here before we know it! Until then, the white stuff outside can be pretty to look at and fun to play in so lets just make the best of it!


Thank you to everyone for all your support and can't wait to see all of you and your loved ones this year!


-Jessica McElhaney

[email protected] (JLM Creative Design & Photography) love photography https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/1/not-just-a-photograph Fri, 26 Jan 2018 03:25:57 GMT
Sharing the Love 2018 https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/1/sharing-the-love-2018 Wow, I can't believe 2018 has begun and another year for JLM Creative Design & Photography. This journey of starting my own business has been quite an experience so far and one that I am thankful for with my whole heart. Being able to capture precious memories for families and my loved ones has truly been a blessing.

My family of four, Michael Ryan, Michael John, and Matthew know that their Mommy is usually there with the camera in hand hoping not to miss any of those special moments, but remembering to take the time to just sit back and watching our amazing little boys grow and blossom. It is all happening so fast, but always remember to take the time to just stop watch and enjoy. In addition, to snapping a few photographs to stop time just for a moment so I can remember in the years to come. Here are our two little bundles of joy!

Michael John and Matthew2 Years old and 9 Months Old

I decided a great way to kick off 2018 was to "Share the Love".

It will be 2 years ago since my beautiful sweet cousin, Erica passed away from cancer.

As I recall something I wrote about her:

"Her smile was contagious. She was beautiful inside and out. I remember all the wonderful memories of our childhood, teenage years, and into adulthood. Our laughs and fun memories of sleepovers, birthday parties, our school crushes, camping, vacations, swim team, holidays, family events, and so many more wonderful memories that I will hold very close to my heart now and always.

God gained a wonderful angel that flew up to heaven today. My heart hurts but is full of love and wonderful blessings I had with my cousin, Erica who I loved dearly, and for those I am very thankful. May you rest in peace and someday we will see each other again."

In memory of her, I want to donate some of the session profit to "Relay for Life" and capture those memories in every session that I see the love of family & friends. So, join me in sharing the LOVE this Valentine's Day and come have some fun with Mini Sessions at JLM Creative Design & Photography! I look forward to seeing all of you at the sessions of 2018!


With Much Love,

Jessica McElhaney


[email protected] (JLM Creative Design & Photography) 2018 photos love https://jessicamcelhaney.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/1/sharing-the-love-2018 Fri, 05 Jan 2018 02:53:32 GMT